Writing Resources/Editors


Writing Resources

Editors and Typists for Hire

Some persons may wish  help with writing, grammar, typing or proofreading, beyond the services provided by the program's technical editor(s). When such services are desired, participants may seek their own typist or editor, secured by private arrangement outside of and in addition to the purview of the DMin program. Fees for private writing assistance will be arranged between the participant and the service provider, and are in addition to and separate from any fees charged by the Seminary.

The DMin office is occasionally asked for names of persons who might serve as private editors. The names provided below are for purposes of information only; they are persons who have expressed willingness to provide private editing or typing services but are not to be considered official recommendations from the DMin office:

Linda Bauer lindasbauer3@gmail.com 269-473-3041
Jonathan Baumgartner jonathan.baumgartner79@gmail.com 707-533-3672
Camille Clayton (English and Spanish) kurtz@ajona.net 269-473-3282
Cheryl D. Jackson abcjacksn@yahoo.com 623-388-2331
Averil Kurtz (English and Spanish) averil.kurtz@gmail.com 269-471-1056
Jan Levin janlevinart@gmail.com 770-361-7623
Giny Lonser lonser@ajona.net 269-208-817
Dr. Jose Martinez
(Spanish language only)
Jose_Martinez_Rodriguez@hotmail.com 734-358-2883
Dr. Bonnie McLean mclean@ajona.net 269-532-0427
Melissa and Clyde Morgan/Writewell Editing  info@writewellediting.com 269-473-1286
Edna Payne excel.writing@sbcglobal.net  
Kathy Pepper skpepper@live.com 304-760-8770
Janice Rutledge rutledge.publishing@yahoo.com 510-821-1829
Evelyn Tollerton evelyntollerton@hotmail.com or tollerto@ajona.net 541-992-1573
