北美n AAA Institutions

基督复临论者承认 & 传输标准

学生 who meet or exceed the following academic credentials for admission to graduate programs鼓励申请. Note that satisfaction of minimum academic st和ards is only one factor in admission decisions. If your country is not listed below please contact the International Education Specialist.

Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
4-year Bachelor's degrees from:
  • 伯尔曼大学
请注意: 3-year degrees will be required to take 1 additional year before commencing graduate degree at Andrews.
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 academic transcripts containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcript will be required.
分级表1: In effect after April 2002
标志着 评论 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
98-100 优秀的 A 4.00
94-97 优秀的 A 4.00
90-93 优秀的 A- 3.67
87-89 优秀的 B+ 3.33
84-86 B 3.00
80-83 B- 2.67
75-79 C+ 2.33
65-74 令人满意的 C 2.00
60-64 令人满意的 C- 1.67
57-59 令人满意的 D+ 1.33
50-56 通过 D 1.00
0-49 失败 F 0.00
分级表2: In effect through April 2002
评论 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
优秀的 A 4.00
优秀的 A- 3.67
优秀的 B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
平均 C 2.00
平均 C- 1.67
临时通行证 D 1.00
失败 F 0.00
CR=信用   NC=无信用   NR=无报告   I=不完整   W=撤回   AU=审计 IP在进行中   S=满意   U=不满意

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 英语

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Accredited by: Adventist Accrediting Association Accredited (since 1947), Alberta Ministry of Innovation 和 Advanced Education (Campus Alberta Quality Council)
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Universidad Adventista de Centro America (Central American Adventist University)
*请注意: A Bachillerato/Bachelor's degree is 8 semesters in duration; a Licenciatura is 2 additional semesters after finishing a bachelor's degree
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts)
  • Títulos/毕业 diplomas,
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构).
  • Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
  • A Bachillerato/Bachelor's degree is 8 semesters in duration; a Licenciatura is 2 additional semesters after finishing a bachelor's degree.
After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.
标志着 评论 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
9.0-10.00 Sobresaliente A 4.00
8.0-8.99 很好 B 3.00
7.0-7.99 布埃诺 C 2.00
6.0-6.99 Suficiente D 1.00
0.0-5.99 Insuficiente F 0.00

I=不完整       R=撤回       S=满意       CR=信用       矩形没有得到分数

分级表2 - From 1977 to 2002
标志着           美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
93-100 A 4.00
90-92 A- 3.67
87-89 B+ 3.33
83-86 B 3.00
80-82 B- 2.67
77-79 C+ 2.33
73-76 C 2.00
70-72 C- 1.67
60-69 D 1.00
0-59 F 0.00
分级标准3 - Until 1976
标志着 评论 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
96-100 Sobreasaliente A 4.00
85-95 值得注意的 B 3.00
75-84 Aprovechado C 2.00
70-74 Aprobado D 1.00
0-69 Desaprobado F 0.00
请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 西班牙语

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Adventist Accrediting Association (since 1983)



Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Seminario Teológico Adventista de 古巴 (古巴 Adventist Theological Seminary)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts) 和
  • Títulos/毕业 diplomas, 和
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.
标志着 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
90-100 A 4.00
80-89 B 3.00
70-79 C 2.00
0-69 F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 西班牙语

List of Institutional 和 Program 认证

  • Recognized by: International Board of Ministerial 和 Theological Education 和 International Board of Education of the General Conference of the 基督复临安息日会s
  • Accredited by: Adventist Accrediting Association (since 2004)
Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Universidad Adventista Dominicana, UNAD (Dominican Adventist University)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts)
  • Títulos/毕业 diplomas,
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构).

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.


标志着 平均绩点 我们年级 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
100 4.00 A 4.00
99 3.96 A 4.00
98 3.92 A 4.00
97 3.88 A 4.00
96 3.84 A 4.00
95 3.80 A 4.00
94 3.76 A- 3.67
93 3.72 A- 3.67
92 3.68 A- 3.67
91 3.64 A- 3.67
90 3.60 A- 3.67
89 3.56 B+ 3.33
88 3.52 B+ 3.33
87 3.46 B+ 3.33
86 3.44 B 3.00
85 3.40 B 3.00
84 3.36 B 3.00
83 3.32 B- 2.67
82 3.28 B- 2.67
81 3.24 B- 2.67
80 3.20 B- 2.67
79 3.16 C+ 2.33
78 3.12 C+ 2.33
77 3.08 C+ 2.33
76 3.04 C 2.00
75 3.00 C 2.00
74 2.96 C 2.00
73 2.92 C- 1.67
72 2.88 C- 1.67
71 2.84 C- 1.67
70 2.80 C- 1.67
69 2.76 D 1.00
68 2.72 D 1.00
67 2.68 D 1.00
66 2.64 D 1.00
65 2.60 D 1.00
64 2.56 D 1.00
63 2.52 D 1.00
62 2.48 D 1.00
61 2.44 D 1.00
60 2.40 D 1.00
59 0.00 F 0.00
00 0.00 F


S=满意                       NS= 令人不满意的             SC=非学分学术   CV=验证

FA=缺席失败        BA= 最低的批准        EX=被证明无罪

EQ=等价                    语言学校的= 选修                       OY=侦听器

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.


平均绩点                     美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
4.00 A 4.00
3.70 A- 3.67
3.30 B+ 3.33
3.00 B 3.00
2.70 B- 2.67
2.30 C+ 2.33
2.00 C 2.00
1.70 C- 1.67
1.00 D 1.00
0.00 F 0.00

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 西班牙语


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Université Adventiste d'Haïti (Adventist University of 海地)
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 bulletins de notes/relevés de notes/transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma   
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of all academic documents, (unless academic records 和 diplomas 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构).
请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor’s degree can be considered for provisional admission.
After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required. 
信等级 平均绩点 法国 (英语) Description 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
A 4.00 优秀的 A 4.00
A- 3.70 tr Bien(非常好) A- 3.67
B+ 3.30 好(好) B+ 3.33
B 3.00   B 3.00
B- 2.70 Assez bien (令人满意的) B- 2.67
C+ 2.30 通行的(足够的) C+ 2.33
C 2.00 莫伊安请求(失败) C 2.00
C- 1.70   C- 1.67
D+ 1.30   D+ 1.33
D 1.00   D 1.00
F 0.00   F 0.00
官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 法国


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Northern Caribbean University
What to Submit into Your Online Application
  • 非官方的 transcripts/academic records containing a complete record of all courses taken 和 individual marks obtained. If transcripts do not list the date of graduation, please upload a copy of your diploma. 

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.
Northern Caribbean University
年级 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 英语


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees

Bachelor's degrees from:

  • Universidad de Montemorelos (Montemorelos University)
  • 琳达维斯塔大学 (Linda Vista University)
  • Universidad de Navojoa, UNAV (Navojoa大学)

What to Submit into Your Online Application

  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts), 
  • Titulos/毕业 diplomas,
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of transcripts, (unless academic records 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构.)

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision

  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.

Universidad de Montemorelos (University of Montemorelos)

*70 is the lowest grade for current transcripts.

规模 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
93-100 A 4.00
90-92 A- 3.67
87-89 B+ 3.33
83-86 B 3.00
80-82 B- 2.67
77-79 C+ 2.33
73-76 C 2.00
70-72 C-  1.67
67-69 D+ 1.33
63-66 D 1.00
60-62 D- 0.67
0-59 F 0.00


*6 is the minimum passing grade.

规模 美国等价物 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
9-10 A 4.00
8.5-8.99 B+ 3.33
8.0-8.49 B 3.00
7.5-7.99 C+ 2.33
6.5-7.49 C 2.00
6.0-6.49 C- 1.67
0-5.99 F 0.00


*7 is the minimum passing grade.

规模 美国等价物  我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
9-10 A 4.00
8.5-8.99 B+ 3.33
8.0-8.49 B 3.00
7.5-7.99 C+ 2.33
7.00-7.49 C 2.00
0-6.99 F 0.00

请注意:  Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

琳达维斯塔大学 (Linda Vista University)


Universidad de Navojoa (Navojoa大学)


官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction

  • 西班牙语


Admission Requirements for Master's Degrees
Bachelor's degrees from:
  • Universidad Adventista de las Antillas (Antillean Adventist University)
What to Submit into Your Online Applcation
  • Copias de Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (unofficial academic transcripts)
  • Títulos/毕业 diplomas,
  • Authorized word-for-word 英语 translation of transcripts, (unless academic records 是 例行公事地 issued in 英语 by the 机构.)

请注意: Applicants who 是 in the final year of their bachelor's degree can be considered for provisional admission.

After Admission Decision
  • 官方 final transcripts will be required.
Universidad Adventista de las Antillas
年级 我们年级 Point 平均 (平均绩点)
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

 请注意: Check your transcript 和 if a different grading scale is listed, please upload it with your academic records.

官方 Language 和/or Language of Instruction
  • 西班牙语


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