About Us


We see pastors, chaplains, 管理人员通过所有信徒,在社会中增加基督的事工, according to their unique giftedness.


In harmony with the Seminary, 我们准备女性和男性作为牧师的特殊服务, chaplains, 以及装备他人服事教会和社会,期待耶稣基督再来的行政人员.

The Department of Practical and Applied Theology:

为教会领袖在牧养事工方面做准备, evangelism, worship and sacred music, preaching, leadership, pastoral counseling, and chaplaincy.

Pastoral Care & Counseling

Our mission at Pastoral Care and Counseling is to care for our Seminary students and staff with a Christ-centered whole person emphasis; assist in evaluating students’ academic journey; and educate our students in the ethics and integrity of faith based counseling that promotes dignity and respect for all humans.


讲道是准备和发表讲道的艺术. 它是实践和应用神学的学科之一. 那些学习讲道学的人寻求提高他们的能力,以与人的思想联系的方式传达神的话语, heart, and soul in a transformative way. 基督复临安息日会神学院的讲道项目不相信“一刀切”的讲道方法.

我们的讲道训练集中在两个关键要素的转化讲道. 第一,《bet365中文》注释——“正确划分真理之道”的技巧.有效的讲道始于清楚地理解神在特定的时间对特定的群体说了什么(重点),以及他想看到神的话在他们的生活中成就什么(功能)。. However, 然后,这个词必须融入现代听众的生活中, which requires the aptitude of audience exegesis. 这样,听众就可以继续活出神的话语和神的旨意的原则. 

PATH Worship & Music Studies

你们当敬拜那创造天、地、海、和水泉的.” Rev 14:7
“Go and make disciples of all nations, 奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗.” Matt 28:19

学习敬拜与音乐的目的,是要将神学院学生培养成终身敬拜三位一体神的门徒, so that they may in turn make more worshiping disciples. Through our courses and worship ministry program, 神学院学生致力于培养对上帝的忠诚. 我们通过信仰和诗歌应用教会所有的教导, 使我们的敬拜可以见证我们的呼召和基督快再来的使命. 我们庆祝所有人的丰富遗产和多样性,作为上帝大能的相关和重要见证. We examine both history and best practices, 寻求使我们的神学敬拜表达与我们的复临信仰一致. Thus, it is through studies in worship and music, 神学院学生既应用神学,又展示实践神学.

Our bulletin courses empower leaders in the ministry, history, theology, and philosophy of worship and music. These courses include, but are not limited to:

  • Worship: Word & Music
  • History & Theology in Adventist Worship
  • History of Christian Worship Music
  • Sacred Music in the African American Tradition

We look forward to worshiping together.

PATH Leadership

PATH团队在博士和硕士学位阶段教授领导力,旨在将神学院学生培养成不断经历基于圣经的转变的领导者,使他们能够带领他人进入持续的转变经历. 我们的希望是,参与者将体验到领导变革的挑战和乐趣. 他们将参与学习,使他们进入一种经历圣灵改变大能的生活,而这种努力所涉及的代价是标准的.

Since doing flows from being, our passion is to be what we teach, 鼓励神学院学生被改变成基督的形象,并学习带领他人经历改变生命的事件和过程. 这种状态来自于与耶稣委身的关系,使人能够将神的价值观和生活原则灌输到信徒的内心和思想中. 所有这一切的结果是,领袖可以有效地作为仆人与主同工.


NAD传福音学院是该分部致力于激发神学院学生传福音热情的有形表达, pastors, and lay ministers. 我们通过教会毫不妥协地忠于神的使命. 我们寻求每一个机会和合作努力来培养宣教牧师. 我们的主要职能之一是与SDA神学院的实践与应用神学系合作,为宣讲和个人传福音方面的部长学生提供装备. Areas of emphasis include evangelistic small groups, mission-shaped church planting and revitalization, NAD部长核心素质的高级部长发展, coaching and leadership development through ACTS cohorts. 我们致力于在教会和社区中培养和增加神的传道人.

Pastoral Ministry

在牧灵事工中,学生探索和反思事工的崇高呼召, their own call, and the focus of their ministry. 它使牧养事工的角色、任务和责任得以成长. 在课堂上,我们将有实验,学生将参与执行牧师所参与的各种角色,例如洗礼, communion services, wedding, funerals, board meetings, creating a healthy culture in the church, etc.. 此外,学生也将了解SDA教会的运作、政策和结构. 课程的结果是让学生有效地实践教牧的专业技能, 了解和表达基督复临安息日会的组织结构