


The bet365中文大学 参议院工作人员 will fulfill the mission of the University by promoting a working environment for University staff marked by integrity, 专业创新, that facilitates communication and cooperation between staff, 教师, 和管理, while promoting a healthy work-life balance.

It is the mission of the bet365中文大学 参议院工作人员 to:

  • 支持员工的需要, concerns and interests by providing a means of communication for staff 和管理
  • Appreciate and recognize the service and contributions made by staff to the wellbeing of the University
  • Promote educational opportunities for staff
  • Engage and integrate staff into existing University committees and initiatives
  • Support efforts for building staff morale



The 参议院工作人员 is responsible for providing feedback and recommendations to the University Administration and its Councils, Committees and Departments or Offices on matters that affect general staff by:

  • 接收或请求研究
  • 检讨建议的政策
  • Recommending areas needing policy
  • Reaching out to constituents for input
  • Addressing other items as needed

Specific 参议院工作人员 actions include but are not limited to:

  • Participating with the Offices of 教务长 and Human Resources by assisting in professional development opportunities for staff, General 工作人员 meetings and other events
  • Reviewing and recommending processes for selecting staff members to receive 工作人员 Excellence in Service and other awards given to staff members
  • Appointing staff members to represent the staff on various standing and ad-hoc committees
  • Acting as a conduit for bringing staff input and concerns to the attention of committees and the University administration

The 参议院工作人员 is not a decision-making body with regard to wages and conditions of employment, although it may provide a forum where certain aspects of these items may be discussed for the purpose of making appropriate recommendations.


第一节. 角色和职责

参议院工作人员 officers have the same privileges with regards to vote and voice as senators, 他们是从他们中间选出来的. Their service as 参议院工作人员 officers carries these additional responsibilities. Officers will serve a term of two years and may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

A. 参议院工作人员主席

The Chair is responsible for the overall administration and leadership of the 参议院工作人员, including developing the agenda and scheduling meetings. They will chair meetings of the 参议院工作人员, maintain contact with both the General 工作人员, 教师参议院 和管理 through both formal and informal channels.

B. 参议院副主席

The Vice-Chair is responsible to the Chair. They will chair or co-chair the 参议院工作人员 meetings at the discretion of the Chair. The Vice-Chair will become acting chair, with full power and authority thereof, if the Chair is unable to serve for an extended time. If the Chair is unable to continue service, the Vice-Chair will become the permanent Chair by a 2/3 vote of the 参议院工作人员. See 第三节 for additional information on officer replacement.

C. 教务委员会秘书

The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes of the 参议院工作人员 meetings, classifying all reports to be considered by the 参议院工作人员, and supervising the permanent files of relevant committees. The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of the 参议院工作人员.

D. 通信官

The 通信官 is responsible for managing communications necessary to the functioning of the 参议院工作人员. The 通信官 will work in consult with the 主席及副主席 to maintain the 参议院工作人员 website and manage meeting notifications.

E. 工作人员参议院议员

The Parliamentarian is responsible for ensuring that the business of the 参议院工作人员 is conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian shall serve as the authority to whom questions regarding parliamentary procedure shall be referred by the Chair during meetings of the 参议院工作人员.

F. 参议院工作人员 Executive Committee

The officers of the 参议院工作人员 form an Executive Committee of the Senate. The Executive Committee serves as a liaison between the 参议院工作人员 and Senate subcommittees as well as the 教师参议院 and the University Administration. The Executive Committee will report to the 教务长办公室.


第二节. Eligibility for Service as a Senate Officer

A. 主席及副主席

These positions must be filled by members of the 参议院工作人员 with a minimum of three years (36 months) of continuous full-time service at bet365中文大学. They must have experience and interest in the governance system of the University.

B. Secretary, 通信官, Parliamentarian

These positions must be filled by members of the 参议院工作人员 with a minimum of two years (24 months) of full-time service at bet365中文大学.


第三节. Officer Appointments and Changes

A. 人员选拔

Secret ballots will be cast (either paper or electronic) by the full 参议院工作人员 as the means of election of officers. The officers-elect are then confirmed by the general staff of the University.

B. 更换人员

参议院工作人员 Officers may resign by tendering a letter of resignation to the full 参议院工作人员 or be removed for cause from office by a 2/3 vote of the full 参议院工作人员 during their term. A replacement officer will be selected from current 参议院工作人员 members by a 2/3 vote and will carry out the remainder of the resigned officer’s term.


第一节. 参议员分布

The membership of the 参议院工作人员 shall consist of 17 elected members, not including ex officio members. The 教师参议院 will appoint one non-voting, ex-officio member. If there is a change of categorization of a 工作人员 Senator, the 参议院工作人员 will determine the appropriate actions to take regarding representation.

The membership will be as follows:

监事 & 经理
At-Large (1 may represent part-time staff)







第二节. 参议员选举和变化

A. 选举

选举 will take place in March of each year. 选举 will be conducted by the Executive Committee and utilize electronic balloting of all regular staff members.

B. Eligibility of Elected 工作人员 参议员

Any staff member who has been employed for one or more years in a full-time position is eligible to be elected as a 工作人员 Senator.

C. 工作人员参议员任期

工作人员 参议员 shall serve a 2 year term except when filling a mid-term vacancy of another 工作人员 Senator. A 工作人员 Senator may not be reelected for more than 4 consecutive terms.


A Senator can be removed from office and replaced due to non-performance or lack of attendance. Recommendations for the removal of any 工作人员 Senator from office shall be accepted from any constituent, 执行委员会成员, or Senator for non-performance of Senate duties. Each recommendation shall be evaluated on an individual basis by the Executive Committee. The removal shall be voted by the 参议院工作人员 based on a recommendation from the Executive Committee. The 参议院工作人员 will identify and appoint a Senator to fill a vacating Senator’s seat. The appointed Senator will fill the vacancy until the next regularly scheduled election.


第一节. 会议

Regular meetings of the 参议院工作人员 will normally be held once a month during the Fall and Spring semesters. Regularly scheduled meetings of the 参议院工作人员 may be cancelled by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

第二节. 法定人数

The 参议院工作人员 quorum shall be one-half plus one of the voting membership of the 参议院工作人员.

第三节. 公开会议

All meetings of the 参议院工作人员 shall be open to any staff member unless otherwise noted. 分钟 of the 参议院工作人员 will be available on the 参议院工作人员 website. See 第四节 below for closed meetings.

第四节. 秘密会议

At the discretion of a majority vote of the Executive Committee, closed 参议院工作人员 meetings may be called. Closed meeting will not be open to general 工作人员 participation. 分钟 of confidential agenda items will not be made public.



The 参议院工作人员 will delegate duties and tasks to standing or ad-hoc committees that will be made of representation appropriate to the bodies’ task. All policy proposals and recommendations from these committees will be sent to the 参议院工作人员 for approval.


The 参议院工作人员 will have representation on University committees. The representatives will be non-voting members with voice and should not be chosen from current voting members of the committee.

第一节. Standing Committees and Councils

The 参议院工作人员 will have representation on the following University committees or councils:

  • 总统内阁
  • 大学战略 & 政策委员会
  • Institutional Operations Council
  • 机构的多样性 & 共融行动委员会
  • 教师参议院
  • 社会委员会
  • 健康委员会

The 参议院工作人员 will provide representation to other committees and councils as requested.

第二节. 搜索委员会

The 参议院工作人员 will have voice during the hiring process of some Cabinet and Deans level positions. At least one representative of the 参议院工作人员 will have voice during the search for the following positions.

  • 总统
  • 教务长
  • 首席财务官
  • 首席信息官
  • 人力资源总监
  • 注册商
  • 副总统
  • 学术院长

The 参议院工作人员 will only receive voice in the search for assistant and associate level positions of 教务长, Vice 总统 and Dean at the request of the 总统 or 教务长.


Amendments to the constitution can be initiated by the Executive Committee of the 参议院工作人员. Any changes to the constitution must be approved by 2/3 the membership of the 参议院工作人员 and a majority of the General staff.

Approved by General 工作人员 Vote - 29 January 2020