

校友 and friends may support Andrews Academy’s continuing quest to offer an exemplary Seventh-day Adventist Christian education program in a variety of ways. You are invited to select from the following options:

  • 请电子邮件 girlie@ajona.net or call 269-471-3996 with any questions.
  • Credit Card: Call the Andrews University Development Office to donate via credit card (269-471-3124).
  • Checks should be made payable to Andrews Academy and mailed to the following address. Please note what the donation is for in the memo line.
Office of Development
Andrews Academy
8833 Garland Ave
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0560

查看我们的新 礼品目录

Submit your gift online. Choose which project you would like to support then donate using our secure online giving form. GO >>

Gifts to the Annual Fund are the most valuable to the operation of the school in that they may be applied where the need is greatest. These gifts are especially important because they contribute to the security and stability of the school program. This fund helps the school weather the ebb and flow resulting from the fluctuation of enrollment from year to year.

Each year approximately 20% of the students enrolled receive tuition assistance from the Worthy Student Fund. Without the gifts regularly made by alumni and friends, these tuition supplements would not be possible. The call on this account is perpetual.

Andrews Academy always has renovation projects that need funding, such as finishing our chapel renovations or renovating the gym locker rooms. Contact AA Development (269-471-6140) to learn more about the current project.

Significant contributions to school operations may be made through gifts-in-kind, which carry tax benefits. These are material gifts of value, such as antiques, 集合, 设备, 车辆, and real property that can enrich the curricular or co-curricular programs.

This giving opportunity provides donors with an opportunity to give that integrates sound personal, 金融, and estate-planning concepts with plans for lifetime or testamentary giving. A planned gift has tax implications and is often transmitted through a legal document, such as a will or a trust.

Often donors have a special interest in a specific aspect of the curriculum such as music, 艺术, 科学, 人文学科, physical education, 或图书馆 & 技术. Special funds are established for each area and gifts to these funds enrich the quality of these programs.

Endowment gifts are a major contribution to the school’s future stability. These gifts are invested in interest-earning accounts and the income is used annually for the purpose that the endowment designates. 了解更多...

  • Andrews Academy Endowed Fund for Worthy Students
  • Andrews Academy Quasi Endowed Fund for Worthy Students
  • 安德鲁J. 茱莉亚·T. Snyder Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 亚瑟E. Axelson Memorial Endowed Fund
  • 亚瑟E. Axelson Memorial Quasi Endowed Fund
  • C. Randall Bauer Memorial Endowed Fund
  • 卡米尔R. Warren Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 查尔斯 & Florance Mauro Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Class of 1961 Endowment
  • Class of 2005 Endowment for Spiritual Activities
  • 克莱门蒂娜年代. Nicolas Davis Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 道格拉斯·R. Newberry Endowment Scholarship Fund
  • 詹姆斯·R. Nash Andrews Academy Operating Endowment Fund
  • 肯尼斯•W. & 海伦M. Kilgore Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 金伯利K. Keller Memorial Endowed  Fund
  • 金伯利K. Keller Memorial Quasi Endowed Fund
  • Londa Zimmerman-Sweezey Memorial Endowed Fund
  • Londa Zimmerman-Sweezey Memorial Quasi Endowed Fund
  • Luke Tkachuck Memorial Endowment Fund
  • 理查德T. Orrison Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 理查德T. Orrison Quasi Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Rorabeck Family Endowed Scholarship
  • Smith-Vitrano Memorial Endowment Fund
  • 史蒂夫 & Mary Elizabeth Mauro Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • 托马斯. & Eleanor Umek Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Vitrano 校友 Advancement Endowed Fund

The purpose of the Leaders on Leadership Forum is to find avenues to nurture the traits of leadership in students. The funds given towards this account help to bring individuals such as Ken “Coach” C艺术er, Paul A. Stokstad, Dick Duerksen, and Pat Williams to speak and interact with the students at Andrews Academy.