Your 好处: 学费 Assistance

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The University encourages you to develop your work abilities in a skill or profession. Through on-the-job instruction and part-time schooling, you may achieve real personal and/or professional growth while employed at Andrews University.

全日制正规教师/受薪员工可申请入读大学内的学院. If you qualify for this benefit and wish to take a class, you will need both the approval of your supervisor and acceptance into the school of your choice. You may take up to four credits each semester without tuition cost to you. This does not include independent study, 旅游, 实习, 直接阅读, 私人课程, 实习, clinical experiences or any instruction outside of the normal classroom setting. Online classes may be included if they meet the other criteria for the class. 只有在支付学费的学生被录取后,你才会被录取到一个人数有限的班级. A course will not be offered unless there are enough tuition-paying students to justify it.

You will be expected to pay the application, 晚注册, 一般, or any other applicable fees. 大学终身学习计划提供的继续教育课程可以代替其中一个学院的课程. 您将负责支付超出正常学费的课程费用,以便提供特殊材料和旅行.

You must apply for the tuition assistance each semester for the course(s) you are taking. Your free class(es) should be taken outside of regular scheduled work hours. Exceptions may be made with the approval of the department head, when it can be accommodated without disruption of the work routine, particularly where the class work taken is directly applicable to the work of the department. Normally, an hourly rated worker will not be paid for the time spent in class.

好处 under this policy are concurrent with your employment. 没有上课的学期的津贴不计入以后的学期. 在您有权享受此福利之前或之后开始的课堂作业的学费将从权利之日起或到权利之日按比例计算. This program is a waiver of tuition and has no cash value.

To accomodate summer class schedules, 免费课程政策下的学费减免将根据员工的雇用或终止日期与官方课程时间表(开始和结束日期)相关而确定。. 学费减免将完全适用于雇员在雇佣期内安排的课程, and prorated for classes that fall outside of the employment period. Class schedule is based on the official class dates and not completion of the coursework.

美国国税局(IRS)认为雇主提供的研究生学费援助是你工资包的一部分,这种援助是要扣缴税款的. In 2007, 大学选择应用国税局代码第127条,不包括对雇员的研究生课程征税(不包括对配偶的免费学费),最高可达5美元,250 per calendar year.

当从大学以外的来源获得经济援助以支付学费时,此学费援助政策不适用. You are encouraged to avail yourself of financial assistance for which you may qualify.

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正式全职员工的配偶可以申请到学校内的学院进行非博士学习. 符合入学条件的配偶有资格免费获得最多4(4)个学分,加上每学期剩余学分的50%折扣(不适用于折扣课程), 博士工作, and classes excluded in the employee benefit in section 4:6-100). 只有在支付学费的学生首次被录取后,才有可能被录取到入学人数有限的课程. 在支付学费的学生人数不足以提供课程的情况下,不得为雇员的配偶提供课程. Spouses admitted to courses on this basis shall pay the regular application fee, 一般, or 晚注册 fee.

学费减免是一种学费减免,适用于在定期上课的合格员工的配偶,因此不包括独立学习, 直接阅读, private music lessons, 一些实习课程, clinical experiences, or any instruction outside of the normal classroom setting. (Online classes may be included if they meet the other criteria for the class)

大学为员工配偶提供的所有研究生水平的学费援助必须包括在员工的应税收入中, as required by the IRS.


If you are a full-time regular employee and have unmarried, dependent children (born to, legally adopted by, appointed legal guardian/custody of employee/spouse, or stepchild by marriage) who are less than twenty-four years of age attending school, educational assistance in the form of tuition waivers is available upon application. (因义务兵役而中断教育的,年龄限制可以例外, volunteer service for the church, or a documented medical condition). 在国外基督复临学院注册的受抚养子女有资格获得学费援助. 有资格获得受抚养人学费援助的雇员,其配偶是宗派雇员,也有资格获得学费福利,将获得计算福利的一半(或适当的成本分摊部分). 学费 assistance are computed as follows:

  1. 小时工:为参加Lake Union Conference SDA小学或走读学校的孩子提供35%的基本学费, or in an undergraduate program of Andrews University as a day/village student.
  2. 经批准的受薪员工:参加Lake Union Conference SDA小学或走读学校的孩子(子女)基本学费的35%, or in an undergraduate program of Andrews University as a day student, or in an undergraduate program at other North American Division SDA schools.
  3. 所有员工:在Lake Union Conference SDA学院或bet365中文大学本科课程注册的寄宿学生的子女(ren)基本学费的60%.
  4. 通过大学水平考试项目(CLEP)获得的学分可获得学费补助。. The assistance is 35% whether or not the student is residing in a school dormitory.
  5. 学费援助的金额将根据实际学费和一般费用分别收取, and does not include charges for special music lessons. 费用 for required music lessons may be included for music majors or minors.
  6. Assistance may continue for a maximum of ten semesters of undergraduate or graduate study; graduate study must occur at Andrews University in order to be eligible.  The number of semesters eligible for assistance is prorated, based on prior university enrollment, when eligibility begins.  Enrollment in summer semesters count against the ten semester total.
  7. 在完成本科学位要求之前进入医学或牙科专业课程的儿童(ren)可以获得援助. 这项资助的期限不会超过完成本科学位所需的时间,也不会超过bet365中文大学全日制本科学生所允许的金额.
  8. 补助金应提供给在子女学年开始时受雇的雇员的子女,如果个人在学年开始后受雇,则将按比例发放. 据了解,孩子(ren)必须在支付学费援助时在校. The assistance shall be credited to the student's account each semester when bills are presented.
  9. The payment of the assistance will be made directly to the school involved.

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