Tammy Shilling博士.D., CCC-SLP

Tammy Shilling博士.D., CCC-SLP

Tammy Shilling博士.D., CCC-SLP

标题: 学校临时主席
Associate Professor of Speech-Language Pathology, 研究生 Program Director

办公地点: 114钟厅
电子邮件: tammys@和rews.edu
电话: (269) 471-3451


课程 & 指令

Master of Science Degree, 1998

堪萨斯大学 Medical Center
Master of Arts Degree, 1992
Speech-Language Pathology

Bachelor of Arts Degree, 1990
Speech-Language Pathology 和 Audiology


Dr. Shilling received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Pathology from the 堪萨斯大学 in Lawrence, 1990年在堪萨斯.  She received her Master of Arts degree in Speech Pathology from the 堪萨斯大学 Medical center campus in 堪萨斯 City, 1992年在堪萨斯.  She furthered her education with a Master of Science degree in 管理 in 1998 from 贝克大学 in Gardner, 堪萨斯. 最近,博士. Shilling完成了博士学位.D. in 教育 with a focus in curriculum 和 instruction at bet365中文大学 in December 2021.
Before joining bet365中文大学 faculty in 2014, Tammy had 22 years of experience as a Speech Language Pathologist clinician as well as Operations 和 Clinical 管理.  She brings experience with adult neurocognitive disorders, 吞咽困难, 的声音, Tracheostomy 和 Ventilator, 和 Modified Barium Swallow Studies in a variety of settings.  Dr. Shilling has worked in Skilled nursing facilities, 家庭健康, 急症护理, 康复医院, 门诊设置.  She has had a passion for clinical education in the field.  Her passion is to ensure that our graduate students in Speech Pathology are prepared for employment 和 underst和 the “real working world.”  She teaches undergraduate 和 graduate courses as well as clinical supervision 和 specializes in the areas of Swallowing, 的声音, 和 Neurocognitive disorders.

Current 研究 or Professional Activities

Her research interests in the area of 教育 include metacognitive learning strategies 和 promoting student engagement 和 interaction in the higher education classroom.  She also has research interests in voice health awareness with teachers 和 occupational voice users 和 the potential risk for voice disorders.

Teaches the following undergraduate classes:

• 障碍 in 的声音, Fluency, 和 Swallowing

She also teaches the following graduate 和 5-year classes:

• Neurocognitive 障碍
• 研究 Methods in Speech-language Pathology
• 研究 Option I, II, 和 III


Tammy Shilling, Heather Verhelle, 茱莉亚•约翰逊. Online Vocal-health 教育 Program for Teachers. The Journal of Adventist 教育 83(3), 32-35, 2021.

Tome' MC, Shilling T, 和 Davis BK. Disturbios Motores da Fala. In: Feitosa ALF, Depoli GT, Silva HG. Mapas Conceituais em Fonoaudiologia: Motricidade Orofacial. Ribeirao Preto: BookToy; 2022. p 135-151.

Tammy Shilling, Heather Ferguson, 和 Jenica Joseph. (2023). Use of the Debriefing Assessment in Healthcare Simulation (DASH)© in Speech-language pathology clinical simulation learning experiences.  Journal of 研究 on Christian 教育. http://www.t和fonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10656219.2023.2245933

Tammy Shilling, Jerome Thayer, Anneris Coria-Navia, 和 Heather Ferguson (2023). Student Preferences for Active Learning 和 Their Beliefs, Experiences, 和 Knowledge. Teaching 和 Learning in 通信科学 和 障碍, 7(2)  http://doi.org/http: / / doi.org/10.30707 / TLCSD7.2.1690393489.74901

Student 研究 Mentoring:

研究 Advisor- 研究生 研究 project.  Mir和a Chahine, Klaudia Stinson, Emmanuel Gyamera. ““Impact of Vocal Health 教育 和 的声音 Amplification on Self-Perception of Vocal   Function in College Professors.“2023年至今

研究 Advisor- 研究生 研究 project.  斯隆詹森. “Quantitative study on social communication scores of young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorder.” 2022年至今

研究 Advisor- 研究生 研究 project. Isabelle Dias, Bernadette Flores, Elli Butikofer. The effects of COVID-19 on cognitive-communication among college age students. 2022年至今

研究 Advisor- 研究生 研究 project. 的声音 Awareness for Teachers: When something goes wrong with your voice- A practical guide. By Heather Verhelle 和 茱莉亚•约翰逊. Developed online course via Adventist Learning Communities. 2020-2021.

研究 Advisor- 研究生 研究 project. “The effect of vocal 卫生 intervention on college-age students’ perception of voice h和icap 和 acoustic voice quality” by Heidy Beras 和 Xakeila Byron-Stanley Ringer. 2019-2020.

研究 Advisor- 本科 研究 project. “K-12 Teachers’ awareness 和 knowledge of voice risk factors” by Heather Baldwin 和 茱莉亚•约翰逊. 目前2018 - 2019.

研究 Advisor- 本科 研究 project.   比较分析
of the Incidence of 的声音 障碍 Among Black 和 non-Black Seventh-day
Adventist Preachers” by Nia Darville.  当前- 2017 - 2018

M主席.S. 论文- “A Comparison of vocal health, 卫生, 和 perceptions in student teachers, 声乐专业, 和 speech language pathology majors: A preliminary study “by Kenreah LaVaughn Brown. Completed 和 Defended July 2017.

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