营养科学教学项目 & Dietetics

人口健康与营养学院 & Wellness
Marsh Hall 301
(269) 471-3370

本课程是为在营养学领域攻读专业学位的学生设计的, dietetics, medicine, dentistry, public health, 研究和其他与健康相关的研究生学位.



•在符合ACEND要求的认可的DPD或CP中完成最低的学士学位. Completion of the academic requirements must be verified with a signed Verification Statement from the program director.
完成至少1000小时的CP或DI监督实践经验. Completion of the supervised practice requirements must be verified with a signed Verification Statement from the program director.


• Have your transcripts evaluated by the program director at the ACEND-accredited program to which you are seeking admission. Recognize that some programs may require you to take a certain number of credits from them before they will sign off on a Verification Statement.
•一旦达到学术要求, 申请适当的有监督的实践经验项目.



本课程是为在营养学领域攻读专业学位的学生设计的, dietetics, medicine, dentistry, public health, 研究和其他与健康相关的研究生学位. 这个BS也为学生准备营养学注册资格.

The Nutrition Science and Dietetics with Dietetics Emphasis is recommended for students wishing to become a Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, 或者在公共卫生和/或研究生院继续职业生涯.

营养科学和营养学与营养科学重点建议为医学预科, pre-dental, pre-PA, 学生希望有营养科学和健康促进重点,因为他们准备医学, dental, 公共卫生或研究生院.

Mission Statement & Goals
The mission of the DPD program is to prepare students for supervised practice leading to eligibility for the CDR credentialing exam to become a registered dietitian nutritionist for service to their church, society and the world and to influence the community at large to affirm the 基督复临安息日会 lifestyle, 包括植物性的, vegetarian diet.

Goal #1: The program will prepare graduates to be competent for entry into supervised practice or other post-graduate programs through high quality educational offerings.

Goal #2: The program will prepare graduates who are highly competent to promote a vegetarian diet as a lifestyle option.


Program Information

有关项目成本和费用的信息, 申请及入学要求, 学术和课程日历, 毕业及完成要求, financial aid, scholarships, 政策和程序,如先前学习的学分, and etc. 这些都能在课程手册中找到吗. 

Handbook 2023-2024



bet365中文大学DPD -项目成果

我们的认证地位是基于我们的项目实现这些成果.  所有项目成果数据可应要求提供.  

  • 至少80%的学生在3年内完成课程要求(计划课程长度的150%). (RE  2.1.c.1.a).
  • “At least 75% percent of program graduates apply for admission to a supervised practice program prior to or within 12 months of graduation”. (RE 2.1.c.1.b.1)
  • 申请有监督的实习项目的毕业生, 至少80%的学生在毕业后12个月内被录取。”. (RE 2.1.c.1.b.2)
  • “The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%”. (RE 2.1.c.1.c)
  • 80% of graduates will be rated as adequately prepared or higher for supervised practice or graduate school.
  • 80% of DPD graduating seniors will rate themselves as “adequately prepared” or higher for promoting vegetarian lifestyle. 
  • 90% of DI preceptors will rate graduates as being “adequately prepared” or higher for promoting vegetarian lifestyle.


入学要求-营养科学 & 营养计划(第一步)

未来的学生进入营养科学 & 被bet365中文大学录取后的营养学课程. 学生必须在大二结束时申请专业课程*.  The Dietetics Emphasis is recommended for students wishing to become a Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, 或者在公共卫生和/或研究生院继续职业生涯.


入门专业(e).g. 食品科学与营养)
sciences (e.g. 化学、生物化学、解剖学概论 & 生理学和微生物学)
social sciences (e.g. 社会学与心理学)
math (e.g. MATH 145 or higher)
这些课程可以在bet365中文大学或其他认可的学院或大学获得, 或同等院校招收国际学生.

入学要求-营养科学 & 营养计划(第二步)

过渡到专业课程, 学生需要向营养科学教学项目主任申请 & 营养学(DPD)的课程.  学生必须申请该计划,以便注册FDNT 351食品服务管理, 本专业的必修课.

community nutrition



It is strongly suggested that each student has their own electronic device to access the learning managment system, 参与在线学习, take notes, 完成书面作业, conduct research, and etc.  没有个人设备的学生可以使用学校的电脑, 但进入提供电脑的空间将受到限制. 


要接受该计划,需要提交申请, 致项目主管, 三月的最后一个星期五, September, 或者下个学期的11月.
•完全接受进入BS营养科学 & Dietetics Program requires successful completion of all prerequisite courses and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0分,总绩点不低于2分.5在科学和FDNT课程.
• Students who are not fully accepted into the program by their senior year will be unable to register for FDNT 441 Medical Nutrition Therapy which is required for the completion of the program.



1. DPD程序应用
 Dietetics students must fill out and submit the DPD program application prior to the start of their junior year in the program.  申请可以通过电子邮件或邮寄的方式递交给项目主管. 
2. Statement of Purpose
提交一份你寻求营养和营养学学士学位的目标声明.  讨论你的个人和职业目标.  谈谈你的背景以及你是如何对营养学产生兴趣的.  同时,说明你为什么选择申请bet365中文大学的营养学课程.  目的陈述书必须连同填妥的申请表格一并递交.
4. 正式成绩单(如果从其他大学转学)
Transcripts for every university or college that you have attended MUST be sent along with your application.  这些成绩单可以是非正式的,可以通过电子邮件或邮寄的申请.




Apply Now            DPD Application Form





以下课程是进入营养学教学计划的先决条件, 通常在大一和大二的时候修:

BCHM120 生物化学概论
BIOL 111 Anatomy & Physiology 1
BIOL 112  Anatomy & Physiology 2
BIOL260  General Microbiology
CHEM110 无机和有机化学导论
FDNT118  营养学专业
FDNT124 Food Science
FDNT 230  Nutrition
MKTG 310  市场营销原理
PSYC101 Intro to Psychology
SOCI119 社会学原理


Cognate Courses:

以下课程是营养学教学项目的相关必修课程, 通常在三年级修习;

BSAD355  Management & Organization
BSAD384 人力资源管理


DPD Courses:

以下课程是营养学教学计划中DPD要求的课程, 通常在大四的时候修;

FDNT310 生命周期中的营养
FDNT351 食品服务管理一级
FDNT352 食物服务管理II
FDNT421  社区营养I
FDNT422 社区营养II
FDNT431 医学营养疗法I
FDNT432 医学营养治疗II
FDNT448  Nutrition & Wellness
FDNT460 Seminar: Topic
FDNT485  Nutrition & Metabolism
FDNT490 饮食计划回顾
FDNT498 Research Methods



攻读营养学证书 & Dietetics Technician

Another option for students with an interest in nutrition but who do not want to go the route of becoming an RDN is to pursue a career as a NDTR.  一名注册营养和营养技术员(NDTR),接受过食品和营养方面的培训 保健和餐饮服务管理团队的组成部分. NDTRs have met the 获得NDTR证书的标准如下:

  •  Completed a dietetic technician program by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 其中包括在各种社区项目中有450小时的监督实践经验, 医疗保健和餐饮服务机构,并已完成至少两年的副学士学位,在美国.S. 地区认可的学院或大学.


  • Completed coursework in an ACEND-accredited didactic program or coordinated program in dietetics and has completed at least a bachelor degree at a U.S. 地区认可的学院或大学.
  • 在完成学位和营养学课程之后, 通过由饮食注册委员会(CDR)管理的全国考试. 有关考试的更多信息,请参阅 CDR website.
  • 完成继续专业教育要求以维持注册.



  1. 获得认可的营养学课程的学位.
  2. 完成一个有监督的实践要求.
  3. 通过全国注册会计师考试.
  4. 满足所在州的执业要求.
  5. 保持继续教育. 



Michigan is one of only two states in the nation that does not have some form of licensure or title protection.  在其他州执业的注册护士必须遵守所在州的规定. 




把你的学位和有指导的实践结合起来. Why? Because baccalaureate students can apply to this type of program and begin supervised practice without going through dietetic internship computer matching. 营养学协调课程可以获得学士学位, 硕士或博士学位, 这取决于项目. 这些课程的毕业生有资格参加营养注册考试.

转行从事营养学工作永远不会太晚. Individuals with a prior bachelor's degree need to complete a Didactic Program in Dietetics and receive a verification statement. Those without a four-year degree need to complete a bachelor's degree and receive a verification statement indicating completion of the didactic program in dietetics components prior to applying to the dietetic internship match.

*Beginning in 2024, a minimum of a master's degree will be an eligibility requirement in order to take the CDR dietetic registration exam.

注册护士在全球各个角落都接受过培训. 有几种不同的方法可以让国际学习者成为rdn -访问Eat Right Pro了解更多.



毕业要求包括满意地完成课程要求至少2.所有营养学课程累计绩点25分(不低于C). Students completing the DPD program and successfully passing the Senior Comprehensive Exam administered in April of final year will be issued a verification statement Students must complete both the coursework (DPD) requirements and a Dietetic Internship before being eligible to sit for the Registration Examination.

Our Accreditation

The B.S. 《bet365中文》是一个营养学教学项目. bet365中文大学的营养学教学计划(DPD)目前由:

Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
电话:312/899-0040 X 5400
Fax: 312/899-4817
URL: www.eatrightpro.org/ACEND

学生也可以在大三或大四的时候申请成为AND的会员. 完成DPD课程后,学生将获得DPD验证声明. 一旦这份声明发布, 学生可申请营养学实习, 之后,他或她有资格注册.

**The B.S. 《bet365中文》是一个营养学教学项目 (DPD) accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) .**



这些网页上的资料仅供参考. 虽然我们已经尽力提供准确的信息, 《bet365中文大学公报》是关于录取等规定的最终和权威指南, general, core, major, 同源需求.


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