一般 Licensure Disclosure

Andrews University is required to publicly disclose information regarding whether its various programs meet the educational requirements of a particular state for specific professional licensure or certification that may be required for employment in a specific occupation, in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education regulation, 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v). These disclosure requirements apply to all programs leading to licensure or certification, whether on campus, 在线, 或混合.

Nursing clinicals are approved in each state/territory separately by the state board of nursing, where applicable. If you are in an approved state when you begin the program and are considering a move to another state before completion of your 在线 program, it is your responsibility to notify the School of Nursing.

The following list indicates states where Andrews University currently meets/or does not meet a state’s requirements:

Meets the Requirements Does not meet the Requirements
Connecticut 阿拉巴马州
佛罗里达 阿拉斯加
乔治亚州 亚利桑那州
夏威夷 阿肯色州
爱达荷州 加州
伊利诺斯州 Colarado
印第安纳州 特拉华州
肯塔基州 爱荷华州
Massachusets 路易斯安那州
密歇根 堪萨斯
Mississippi 马里兰
蒙大拿 明尼苏达州
内布拉斯加州 密苏里州
内华达 New Hampshire
New Jersey 纽约
新墨西哥 North Dakota
North Carolina 俄克拉何马州
俄亥俄州 俄勒冈州
Rhode Island Pennsylvania
South Carolina 田纳西州
维吉尼亚州 德州
佛蒙特州 犹他州
华盛顿, DC 华盛顿
  West 维吉尼亚州

If it has been determined that Andrews University does not currently meet the licensure requirements of your state board of nursing, it does not impact your education or your degree, but it may have serious licensing implications after graduation. If you have questions, please contact your state board of nursing for more information. Regulation of distance education for graduate nursing is always in flux and it is the student’s responsibility to always check with their state board of nursing for any updated guidelines or alternate interpretation of the guidelines prior to applying to Andrews University. 

请注意: Andrews University is approved to participate in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA) through which it may offer 在线 education in 49 states (all except for 加州) and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, 和美国.S. Virgin Islands. Separately, Andrews University has been granted an exemption to offer 在线 education in 加州.