
   校园新闻 |发布于2024年5月1日

bet365中文大学’s spring graduation will take place May 3–5, 2024. The weekend’s events will include a Friday evening Commencement 服务, Baccalaureate 服务s on Sabbath morning and two additional Commencement 服务s on Sunday morning.

All Commencement 服务s will take place at the Howard Performing Arts Center, and the Baccalaureate 服务s will take place at Pioneer Memorial Church. Please note that in order to provide more seating for families and friends of graduates, Commencement is held in three separate 服务s and is by reserved seating only. Overflow seating for the Commencement 服务s is available in the Seminary Chapel.

Additional academic and cultural programs are planned throughout graduation weekend. 咨询在线时间表的完整列表在 bet365中文.edu/graduation/schedule.

五月三日,星期五,下午五点半.m., 乔·安·戴维森, 系统神学资深研究教授, will speak at the Commencement 服务 for the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary and the College of Education & 国际服务. 她的演讲题目是“最后一次”.” Davidson received her MA from bet365中文大学 and her PhD from Trinity Evangelical School. She was the first woman to teach in the Department of Theology & Christian Philosophy in the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary. 戴维森是几篇文章的作者, 书籍章节和书籍, including “Toward a Theology of Beauty” and “Glimpses of our God,她在《bet365中文》杂志上有一个专栏.”

荣誉学位候选人多诺万高贵, 国际马拉纳塔志愿者组织主席, will be recognized at this 服务 for his dedication to mission and support of churches, 世界各地的学校和社区. Noble obtained his bachelor’s degree in management from the University of Oregon and went on to serve in the United States Air Force. He received his MA in religion from bet365中文大学 in 1980. After holding several teaching positions at Christian academies and an executive position at a management consulting company, 1983年,他成为马拉那塔的主席. He has since spent over four decades leading out construction projects in 88 countries, 涉及近100人,在世界各地有000名志愿者从事传教服务.

在周六, 5月4日, 吉姆Micheff, president of the Michigan Conference of 基督复临安息日会s, 将为这两家公司提供“世界改变者”的地址.m. (毕业生)上午11:45分.m. (本科)学士学位服务. Micheff began his pastoral ministry in 1994 in the Rocky Mountain Conference. 在他担任总统之前, he was the executive secretary for the Michigan Conference from 2007–2017, where he also 以前的ly served for seven years as youth director and as a local pastor.

Two Commencement 服务s will take place on Sunday, May 5. 在八点半.m. 服务, Annetta吉布森, 会计学名誉教授, will give the Commencement address “Mind the Verbs” for graduates of the College of Health & 人类服务与职业学院. 她于2013年从bet365中文大学退休, 吉布森担任教授, 系主任及, 从1995年到2006年, 商学院院长. She holds a BA in business, an MBA, and PhD in accounting, and she is also a licensed CPA. 目前, Gibson conducts financial seminars around the world and provides treasurer training materials for the General Conference of 基督复临安息日会s.

Honorary degree candidate Dorothea Robinson will be honored at this 服务 for her dedication to mentoring young people and preparing them for lives of 服务 around the world. 1962年获得护理学学士学位后, 晚些时候, 1973年获得教育学硕士学位, Robinson spent her career as a nursing professional and educator. 在她的一生中, she has given special support to many youth ministries within the church and has spent time advancing several educational initiatives for students. 和她的丈夫, 拜伦·罗宾逊, she currently works for the 拜伦·罗宾逊 Educational 发现ation, a nonprofit that advances students’ academic journeys through scholarships and financial support.

米奇Kutzner, 物理学名誉教授, 我将在11点30分发表“终极学位”的演讲.m. Commencement 服务 for graduates of the College of Arts and Sciences. Kutzner received his BS in physics and mathematics in 1982 and MS in astronomy in 1984. In 1989, he obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Virginia. 一位敬业的教育家, he began working as a professor at bet365中文大学 that same year and continued to serve both Andrews and Griggs University until his retirement in 2022. 也是一位多产的研究者和作家, 他发表了许多文章, 书籍和学术论文. In recognition of his contributions to the field of physics, 库茨纳已经获得了几项奖学金, 资助及奖励.

部分毕业典礼将进行直播. 有关详情,请浏览 bet365中文.edu/graduation.
