Key COVID-19更新 & Significant Changes

   COVID-19更新 | Posted on January 14, 2022

Letter to 学生, Jan. 14, 2022: Key COVID-19更新 & Significant Changes


我们刚刚结束新学期的第一周,开始适应我们的日常生活. 我想感谢每一位选择这学期就读bet365中文大学的同学.

I realize that at this moment in time, 我们每个人都受到COVID-19对我们学习方式的持续影响的直接影响, 生活, worship 和 share time 在一起. 因此,我也要感谢您的耐心和与我们的合作,因为我们继续创造最好的学习和工作环境,我们可以在目前的背景下. 

Earlier this week, you received an Email about the current changes to isolation 和 quarantine expectations 和 times.

提醒一下, 我们目前的协议要求至少所有没有完全接种疫苗的员工和学生, or who do not have natural immunity from a previous infection, should test once a month. To monitor compliance with this expectation, 大学将随机选择员工和学生每个月,以帮助确保这是发生的.

We continue to expect every member of our community to abide by our Community Covenant of Care, irrespective of changes to external COVID-19 regulations 和 protocols.

考虑到这一点, 随着我们进入这场受欧米克隆变异影响的全球大流行的关键几周, 这里有一些建议和提醒,包括一些新的建议和提醒,以最大限度地提高我们相互服务的能力:

  1. 请记住,您应该始终报告阳性测试结果和使用 # CampusClear. With the Omicron variant still strongly impacting our nation, 州和校园, we encourage each one of our students to make the choice to 经常测试, w在这里 self-test kits are available.
  2. In addition to continuing to 戴上口罩 consistently indoors, regardless of vaccination status, 请确保口罩的厚度至少为两层(bet365中文大学提供的面料COVID-19口罩为两层,符合这一要求)。.
  3. If you have not done so already, consider transitioning any in-person group gatherings to virtual/online connections for the next few weeks.
  4. 考虑 eliminating food (sadly) from gatherings for a few weeks to minimize the times face masks will be removed.
  5. Continue to watch the 物理距离 并在可能的情况下,帮助建立和确保校园内的自然距离.
  6. 了解最新情况 接种疫苗 并记录下来 在这里.
  7. And the perfect seven—remember to do 所有 you can to maintain a strong immune system through the eight natural remedies, which focus on nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight (如果天气多云,一定要去安德瑞森健康中心看看红外线。) temperance, air, rest 信任. These healthy measures make a difference.

Fin所有y, let us remember we need each other’s kindness, patience 和 care. 在这个时候,我们整个bet365中文大学社区都特别需要彼此. If you didn’t get a chance to watch a special COVID-19 edition of 提要 yesterday at University Forum, be sure to check it out.



Vice 总统 for Campus & 学生生活


Letter to Employees, Jan. 13, 2022: Key COVID-19更新 & Significant Changes


We are just finishing our first week of this new semester, 和 we are again settling into our regular routines. 我们要直接感谢你们中的许多人,就在一周前的1月9日,你们参加了我们的市政厅会议. 我们一起看了我们的COVID-19协议和本学期的计划, 尤其是当我们的世界和校园面临欧米克隆变种带来的新挑战时.

我们现在正在经历我们预期并在市政厅讨论过的病例立即涌入. We know that each one of us is being directly impacted by that. So we want to also thank you for your patience 和 cooperation with us as we, 在一起, 在目前的情况下,继续创造最好的学习和工作环境.

然而, since we met, t在这里 are additional changes that are impacting us.

今天下午, 我们从Spectrum Health Lakel和收到了关于COVID-19对社区医疗保健影响的一些重要更新:

频谱健康莱克兰在持续的COVID-19激增中继续创下纪录. We are encountering more hospitalized patients, 更多ICU患者, more ventilator usage than ever in our history, 和 our emergency department wait times have never been longer.

"86% of admissions are friends 和 neighbors that have not been vaccinated. 现在, 莱克兰重症监护室100%的病人都没有接种疫苗,罗兰·B. 哈默, MD, president, Spectrum Health Lakel和. “这绝对会降低你住院的风险,并大大降低你进入ICU的风险, 对通风, 和 for death if you've been vaccinated."

您可以观看有关Spectrum Health Lakel和当前和具有挑战性的COVID-19情况的完整视频报告, including these comments from Dr. 哈默, 在这里.

Earlier this week, you received our most recent Email about the current changes to isolation 和 quarantine expectations 和 times.

Earlier this afternoon, 我们得到确认,最高法院已经否决了OSHA-ETS(职业安全与健康管理局紧急临时标准),该标准要求雇员超过100人的雇主接种疫苗或进行检测, which would have included bet365中文大学. 结果是, for our campus community, 这意味着我们对疫苗接种或检测的期望将与本学年第一学期保持一致(您可以继续查看我们专门针对COVID-19的这些和其他大学协议) 网站).

提醒一下, 我们目前的协议要求至少所有没有完全接种疫苗的员工和学生, or who do not have natural immunity from a previous infection, should test once a month. To monitor compliance with this expectation, 大学将随机选择员工和学生每个月,以帮助确保这是发生的.

然而, 最重要的是, 我们将继续履行我们的共同承诺,根据我们的法律,确保我们的社区尽可能安全 Community Covenant of Care, irrespective of changes to external COVID-19 regulations 和 protocols.

考虑到这一点, 随着我们进入这场受欧米克隆变异影响的全球大流行的关键几周, 这里有一些建议和提醒,包括一些新的建议和提醒,以最大限度地提高我们相互服务的能力:

  1. With the Omicron variant still strongly impacting our nation, 州和校园, 我们建议,不管我们现有的对未接种疫苗者的每月检测预期如何, we’d like to also invite 所有 员工不论是否接种疫苗,都要作出个人承诺 每周测试, w在这里 self-test kits are available. That new commitment represents only ten minutes of your time each week.

也, 请注意,您现在可以向bet365中文大学医疗保险收取每人每月8次家庭检查的费用(人力资源办公室将与员工分享其他详细信息)。, 以及其他 保险公司. 请记住,您应该始终报告阳性测试结果和使用 # CampusClear.

  1. In addition to continuing to 戴上口罩 consistently indoors, regardless of vaccination status, 请确保口罩的厚度至少为两层(bet365中文大学提供的面料COVID-19口罩为两层,符合这一要求)。.
  1. If you have not done so already, consider moving any in-person meetings 和 committees you have planned to remote meetings for the next few weeks.
  1. 考虑 eliminating food (sadly) from gatherings for a few weeks to minimize the times face masks will be removed.
  1. Continue to watch the 物理距离 并在可能的情况下,帮助建立和确保校园内的自然距离.
  1. 了解最新情况 接种疫苗 并记录下来 在这里.
  1. And the perfect seven—remember to do 所有 you can to maintain a strong immune system through the eight natural remedies, which focus on nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight (如果天气多云,一定要去安德瑞森健康中心看看红外线。) temperance, air, rest 和 信任. Those things make a difference.

Fin所有y, let us remember we need each other’s kindness 和 care. 在这个时候,我们特别需要彼此——我们的学生需要我们,更广泛的社会需要我们. 顺便说一下,如果你还没有看过,我们邀请你观看COVID-19特别版 提要我们的校园 & 学生生活 team shared at University Forum earlier today.



