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CHEMISTRY - Faculty-Chemistry

Job Classification

  Faculty Full-Time (75-100%)

Position summary


The successful candidate will:

Qualifications summary

An earned Ph.D. in biochemistry or a closely related academic field is required. Candidates close to degree completion may be considered.

The review of candidates will commence in October 2023.

Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in good and regular standing.

Duties and responsibilities


They also will participate fully in department life, including outreach, recruitment, student advising, mentoring, and department student life events, as well as research, teaching, and pedagogy.  

Supervisory responsibilities

担任助教的学生工的监督责任, research assistants, and graders. This includes:


该大学寻求充满活力的申请者,致力于将他们的SDA基督教信仰与他们的生物化学领域相结合.  A Ph.D. 生物化学或类似学科(分子生物学、生物化学等)的相关专业.) from an accredited institution.   非常接近学位授予的候选人将被考虑.

Must be a Seventh-day Adventist in good and regular standing.

Technical competencies

Technical competencies include: 

Interpersonal interactions

In all ways, 成功的候选人必须愿意尊重不同的背景, goals, roles, and skill levels in the departmental community.

Physical demands


候选人必须能够运输和安排标准的化学和生物化学教学实验室和演示设备和用品.  Occasionally, 教职员工需要搬运装有化学品的箱子或容器, solutions, or supplies of up to 30 lbs.  

患者将在教室或实验室中站立一段时间. Work on a computer or electronic device for long periods of time. Work in a chemical laboratory and stockroom.

Work environment

The work environment in Halenz Hall would include a private office, chemistry and biochemistry teaching laboratories, conference rooms, classrooms, a chemical stockroom, a departmental office, instrument rooms, and a 150-seat amphitheater.  Work in close proximity to other faculty, staff, and students.  bet365中文大学拥有一个现代化的多建筑学术校园,位于校园内的植物园中.  Most students live on campus. 


bet365中文大学是SDA唯一开设化学专业的高等教育机构 & 生物化学专业自1976年起被美国化学会认可.